Sab nraum zoov teeb pom kev zoo fixtures yuav tsum tau muab ntxuav thiab tswj

Outdoor landscape lighting fixtures should also be cleaned and maintained (1)

Sab nraum zoov teeb pom kev zoo yuav tsum tau saib xyuas.Qhov kev saib xyuas no tsis yog tsuas yog cuam tshuam txog kev saib xyuas cov teeb pom kev puas tsuaj thiab cov khoom muaj feem cuam tshuam, tab sis kuj tseem nyob hauv kev tu lub teeb.

Daim duab 1 Kab laug sab web hauv qab lub teeb

Txhawm rau kom ntseeg tau tias lub teeb pom kev ua haujlwm tseem ceeb, nws yog qhov tseem ceeb hauv kev ntxuav ntawm lub teeb-emitting nto ntawm lub teeb thiab hloov cov khoom siv kho qhov muag.Rau qee qhov teeb pom kev zoo, lub teeb-emitting nto yog ib qho yooj yim rau cov plua plav, nplooj, thiab lwm yam, uas cuam tshuam rau lub teeb pom kev zoo.Raws li pom nyob rau hauv daim duab 2, lub teeb pom kev zoo ntawm lub architectural toj roob hauv pes ntawm no yog qhov yooj yim thiab atmospheric, thiab qhov kev puas tsuaj ntawm lub teeb yog tsawg.Yog vim li cas yog lub sij hawm dhau mus, lub teeb-emitting nto ntawm lub teeb pem hauv ntej yog tag nrho los ntawm plua plav - lub teeb tau poob ib feem ntawm nws cov teeb pom kev zoo.

Outdoor landscape lighting fixtures should also be cleaned and maintained (2)

Daim duab 2 Thov saib lub teeb ci ntsa iab sab saud

Kev huv huv ntawm cov chaw teeb pom kev zoo kuj tseem cuam tshuam nrog kev nyab xeeb ntawm cov chaw.Cov chaw tsis huv, xws li cov plua plav, cov nplooj poob, thiab lwm yam, zoo li hloov hluav taws xob clearances thiab creepage deb, thiab arcing yuav tshwm sim, ua rau puas tsuaj rau cov chaw.

Cov teeb tsis huv uas cuam tshuam rau cov teeb pom kev zoo tuaj yeem muab faib ua cov hauv lub teeb thiab cov sab nraum lub teeb.Qhov teeb meem tsis huv sab nraum lub teeb pom kev tshwm sim feem ntau tshwm sim hauv cov teeb nrog lub teeb-emitting nto tig mus rau sab saud, thiab lub teeb-emitting nto yog thaiv los ntawm plua plav lossis nplooj poob.Qhov teeb meem tsis huv hauv lub teeb pom kev zoo sib xws nrog IP theem ntawm lub teeb thiab kev huv ntawm ib puag ncig.Qhov qis dua IP theem, qhov hnyav dua cov plua plav paug, qhov yooj yim dua rau cov plua plav nkag mus rau hauv lub teeb thiab maj mam sib sau, thiab thaum kawg thaiv lub teeb-emitting nto thiab cuam tshuam rau kev ua haujlwm ntawm lub teeb.

Outdoor landscape lighting fixtures should also be cleaned and maintained (3)

Daim duab 3 Lub taub hau teeb nrog qias neeg lub teeb-emitting nto

Cov teeb pom kev zoo muaj cov kev cai nruj heev vim lawv tsuas yog muab cov teeb pom kev zoo.Feem ntau, lub teeb lub taub hau ntawm txoj kev teeb yog tig mus, thiab tsis muaj teeb meem ntawm cov plua plav.Txawm li cas los xij, vim qhov ua tsis taus pa ntawm lub teeb, dej vapor thiab hmoov av tseem tuaj yeem nkag mus rau sab hauv ntawm lub teeb, uas cuam tshuam rau lub teeb pom kev zoo.Yog li ntawd, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb tshwj xeeb los ntxuav lub teeb ntawm txoj kev teeb.Feem ntau, lub teeb yuav tsum tau disassembled, thiab lub teeb-emitting nto ntawm lub teeb yuav tsum tau muab ntxuav los yog hloov.

Outdoor landscape lighting fixtures should also be cleaned and maintained (4)

Daim duab 4 Lub teeb ntxuav

Upward-facing toj roob hauv pes teeb pom kev zoo fixtures yuav tsum tsis tu ncua ntxuav tawm ntawm glossy nto.Tshwj xeeb, cov teeb ci hauv av rau lub vaj toj roob hauv pes teeb pom kev zoo tau yooj yim thaiv los ntawm nplooj poob thiab tsis tuaj yeem ua tiav cov teeb pom kev zoo.

Yog li, dab tsi zaus yuav tsum tau ntxuav lub teeb sab nraum zoov?Cov chaw teeb pom kev sab nraum zoov yuav tsum tau ntxuav ob zaug hauv ib xyoos.Tau kawg, raws li qib IP sib txawv ntawm cov teeb thiab teeb ci thiab cov qib ntawm ib puag ncig muaj kuab paug, kev tu zaus tuaj yeem tsim nyog nce lossis txo.

Post lub sij hawm: May-23-2022